Boxed Thinking of You Cards An assortment of thinking of you cards. These cards are perfect to send to a friend or family member to let them know you are thinking of them and have them in your prayers. Each card features KJV Scripture and is printed on the inside. There are 4 designs in the assortment. Card Design 1 Front Message - You're on my mind and in my prayers Inside Scripture - The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ -Philippians 4:23 KJV Inside Message - My thoughts turned to you today and I wanted to let you know Card Design 2 Front Message - Thinking of you and keeping you close in prayer Inside Scripture - The Lord make his face shine upon thee; and be gracious unto thee... -Numbers 6:25 KJV Inside Message - Rest in His arms knowing your trust in Him will give you peace Card Design 3 Front Message - You're in my thoughts and prayers today Inside Scripture - The LORD bless thee; and keep thee... -Numbers 6:24 KJV Inside Message - May you find strength in knowing that the Lord is watching over you with His endless love Card Design 4 Front Message - May the Lord's goodness and care continue to surround you Inside Scripture - For the Lord is great; and greatly to be praised... Psalm 96:4 KJV Inside Message - His faithfulness is enduring and endless Special Features - decorated inside Boxed greeting card assortment 12 cards and envelopes 5" W x 7" H