Boxed Thinking of You Cards An assortment of thinking of you cards. These cards are perfect to send to a friend or family member to let them know you are thinking of them and have them in your prayers. Each card features KJV Scripture and is printed on the inside. There are 4 designs in the assortment. Card Design 1 Front Message - Just a note to let you know... Inside Scripture - For thou art my rock and my fortress... -Psalm 31:3 KJV Inside Message - my thoughts and prayers are with you. Thank you for being such a special friend. Card Design 2 Front Message - You are in my thoughts and prayers Inside Scripture - The Lord hath done great things for us; wereof we are glad -Psalm 126:3 KJV Inside Message - Taking a moment to keep in touch and let you know how much I care. Card Design 3 Front Message - Warm thoughts; like lovely flowers; brighten the heart Inside Scripture - For our heart shall rejoice in Him; because we have trusted in His holy name -Psalm 33:21 KJV Inside Message - none Card Design 4 Front Message - You are thought of often... Inside Scripture - ...without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers -Romans 1:9 KJV Inside Message - none Special Features - decorated inside Boxed greeting card assortment 12 cards and envelopes 5" W x 7" H