God knows how Satan is working, and sends his angels to watch over his children, to protect them from the Devil's power. And the battle is constantly going on between the angels of God, and the Devil's angels. The angels of God are clothed with a complete armour, the panoply of heaven, and, although surrounded with deadly foes, fear nothing, for they are doing the will of their loved Commander. They enter the darkest places to rescue the children of God from the snares of Satan, and their presence causes the evil angels to fall back.—Ellen G. White, Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2, p. 277.
The battle between the forces of good and evil continues to intensify as earth winds closer toward Christ’s return. While the enemy fights to blind as many as he can to the truth—the Father draws close to love and protect for He longs to be in relationship with us.
The Curse is the true story of one woman’s epic flight through the darkness of demonic oppression to the freedom that can only come with complete surrender to the Father of light. It is a powerful reminder that, in spite of sometimes losing the battle, we can still win the war as we find our refuge in God.