Ethereal worship; scary beasts; ominous trumpets; terrible plagues; and ultimate paradise. The book of Revelation is a powerful tapestry woven from Old Testament imagery; such as the plagues of Egypt and the confrontation on Mount Carmel. Thus the Old Testament provides the key to unlock the code of Revelation. Jacques B. Doukhan; an Adventist scholar of Jewish heritage; mines the Old Testament to uncover new meaning in the battle of Armageddon and the millennium. He ties the symbolism of the book to the sanctuary service of ancient Israel; showing how the seven sections of the book correspond to the seven feasts of Judaism. He argues that the prophecies of Revelation foretell the eventual discrediting of secularism (Egypt); the resurgence of conservative religion (Babylon); and a final coalition of the two movements in the climactic events before the second coming of Christ to defeat sin and save His people.