“Help! I’m the parent of a teenager!” Help is on the way. Parenting Your Teen by the Spirit is the third of a four-book series on parenting by Sally Hohnberger. Sally urges parents and others who have contact with teens to motivate them to reach out to Christ in a personal way. By befriending teens and listening to their dreams; you can encourage them to develop their talents and to learn new skills that will be useful in their adult lives. “Young adults at age fourteen; fifteen and upward are learning the ‘art of flying.’ These early lessons under our watchful care and Spirit-directed encouragement are essential prerequisites to proper independence. . . . As we come into a healthy; heart relationship with our youth; instructing them in the way to go; in an attractive manner; we make God real; personal and attractive;” Sally says. But it is not enough for your teens to know that Jesus is with them. They must know that Jesus is in them enabling changes in their outlook; desires and character. The only thing preventing any of us from spiritual growth and overcoming is our own choice every minute. By the age of thirteen a youth should: 1. be well-versed in Scripture; 2. know the voice of God as distinguished from the voice of his flesh; 3. have a meaningful and regular personal time with God. The good news is it’s never too late to begin. Commit your life to the Lord today; and show and tell your teens how much you and God love them.