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Love Never Fails T-Shirt(OOP)

$14.97 $19.99

The love of God is a powerful force that can’t be resisted. His love can change the hardest of hearts. From kings and queens to the everyday; normal; average Joes and Janes; there is no one that God’s love can’t impact. And most of the time; the love of God is shown and felt through people like you. God’s Word says; in 1 Corinthians 13:8; “Love never fails. But where there are prophecies; they will cease; where there are tongues; they will be stilled; where there is knowledge; it will pass away.” Sometimes love is expressed in words of kindness and encouragement. Other times love is seen through acts of service or by meeting physical needs of someone. And then sometimes love is felt just through the simple of act of listening and “being there” for someone. Jesus showed His love to us by dying on a cross. He expressed His love through the ultimate acts of service and sacrifice. If you have experienced God’s love and forgiveness; you can help others experience the same thing. You can proudly wear this Christian shirt to point people to Jesus; spreading the message of God’s love and how Jesus washed away all their sins. 50% Cotton/50% Polyester