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Library of Sermons Set (27 PB's) by Joe Crews


Our pocket books are some of the best and most cost efficient Bible tools available! And now you can get our very best in this very special set by Amazing Facts founder Joe Crews! It's the perfect way to share important, sometimes challenging, information while also being easy on your pocketbook!


27 books in all, including:

  1. Armageddon
  2. Can a Saved Man Choose to Be Lost?
  3. Does God's Grace Blot Out The Law?
  4. Hidden Eyes And Closed Ears
  5. How Evolution Flunked the Science Test
  6. Is It Easier to Be Saved or Lost?
  7. Man's Flicker or God's Flame
  8. Satan in Chains
  9. Satan's Confusing Counterfeits
  10. Spirits From Other Worlds
  11. Thieves in The Church
  12. Why God Said Remember
  13. Why The Old Covenant Failed
  14. The High Cost of The Cross
  15. Hell-fire: A Twisted Truth Untangled
  16. Is It Possible to Live Without Sinning?
  17. Blood Behind The Veil
  18. Spirits of the Dead
  19. The Brook Dried Up
  20. Death in The Kitchen
  21. The Search for the True Church
  22. Is It a Sin to Be Tempted?
  23. Is Sunday Really Sacred?
  24. Heaven: Is It for Real?
  25. Rendezvous in Space
  26. Christ's Human Nature
  27. Point of No Return