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Health and Wellness (Spanish)


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Viva con esperanza (Espanol) Viva con esperanza expone con sencillez la manera de evitar asesinos crónicos como el cáncer; la diabetes; las enfermedades cardíacas y la obesidad. En este libro usted descubrirá los beneficios físcos y emocianales que aporta la buena nutrición. Además; encontrará la clave para aumentar la resistencia ante la extrema adversidad; y verá cómo el amor y el perdón restauran su paz interior. Mientras recorra las páginas de esta obra; usted será motivado a mejorar su estilo de vida. Ponga en práctica los principios expuestos en este libro y disfrutará de sus grandes beneficios. HEALTH & WELLNESS: SECRETS THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE (SPANISH) How much would you pay to learn the secrets to lifelong health and wellness? Health and Wellness: Secrets That Will Change Your Life shows you spectacularly simple ways to avoid such chronic killers as cancer; diabetes; heart disease; and obesity. You'll learn how good nutrition heals the body and boosts the mind; how purpose increases resilience; how love and forgiveness mend the heart! Health and Wellness caught the attention of award-winning documentary filmmaker Martin Doblmeier. “While there are countless self-help books on the market today; Health and Wellness: Secrets That Will Change Your Life stands apart because it speaks from proven success. Contained in these insightful chapters is an emphasis on making wise choices about the riches entrusted to each of us—a body that has the potential to heal itself; a mind capable of the extraordinary; and a spirit that longs to be reunited with the Creator. This book not only offers a road map for a healthier; more productive life—it provides the greatest gift of all: the reason for the journey.”