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From Shattered Dreams

$2.97 $16.99

Dorothy R. Ruhwalds book; From Shattered Dreams; chronicles Dorothys personal experience with postpartum psychosis and postpartum depression. Excerpts from medical records are included; showing clearly the difference between her subjective experience and the clinical; objective view of observers. The book emphasizes Dorothys journey through mental; emotional; and spiritual healing. Although From Shattered Dreams is a book about postpartum psychosis and depression; because of the similarity of symptoms between postpartum psychosis/depression and other mental illness; it would be a valuable support to those touched by any mental illness. Dorothy has shared her experience with postpartum psychosis through an interview on CBC radio; an article in the Calgary Herald newspaper; and an article in Womans World Magazine. She has also had the opportunity to tell her story to health-care workers at a conference on Postpartum Mood Disorders.