Vibrant Life
A recent U.S. News and World Report article titled "10 Health Habits That Will Help You Live to 100" shared a surprising piece of advice: "Live like a Seventh-day Adventist." Not long before that article was published; the national best-selling book The Blue Zones recognized Loma Linda; California; as one of the world's longevity "hot spots" because of its high concentration of Seventh-day Adventists. This and other media coverage is undeniably merited; considering Adventists have a life expectancy about a decade longer than the average American. So; what do Adventists know that others don't? The following pages hold the answer. In this issue; you'll hear from Gary Fraser; who has spent years researching the Adventist lifestyle. He shares five proven lifestyle practices common to Adventism that will actually add up to two years of life each-10 years in total. Also; The Blue Zones author Dan Buettner reveals what he learned from Adventists in Loma Linda. You'll even meet six lively; inspiring Adventists; ranging in age from 90 to 105; who prove that the later years need not be marked by weakness or inactivity. Besides exploring several life-extending physical practices; this issue also reveals a close-up look at two health enhancing spiritual practices common to Adventism: the restorative power of Sabbath rest and the positive impact of belonging to a spiritual community. This special issue of Vibrant Life makes an excellent gift for those attending health seminars and cooking schools; as well as for sharing with friends who are interested in the Adventist lifestyle.
Vibrant Life Special