For as long as we can remember and even before; the refrain “Jesus is coming soon” has sounded in churches around the world. Its theme is central to our message as a church – embedded in our very name – Seventh-day Adventist! Yet; still we wait. If we step back for a moment and take a panoramic view; we see Adam and Eve waiting for the Promised One. They; too; must have wondered at the delay. Author Marvin Moore observes; “There’s a tension between the belief; on the one hand; that Jesus is coming soon and the realization; on the other hand; that He hasn’t returned as soon as we had hoped.” How encouraging are these words: “God’s purposes know no haste and no delay” (The Desire of Ages; 32). Moore concludes; “We need to apply those words to our situation. Paul said that ‘when the set time had fully come; God sent his Son’ (Galatians 4:4). We can be sure that when the time has fully come again; God will send Jesus back to take us home!”