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Counsels On Diet and Foods (Spanish) Hard Cover


Ser semejantes a Jesús en carácter es el ideal de Dios para su pueblo. Desde el principio fue el plan del Señor que los miembros de la familia humana; creados a su imagen; desarrollaran caracteres semejantes al suyo. Pero ante la caída de nuestros primeros padres; tal propósito sufrió un giro que requirió la puesta en práctica de los medios previstos para desarrollar el plan original. Que las instrucciones y los consejos preciosos que llenan las páginas de este libro nos ayuden a ampliar nuestra experiencia cristiana; fortalezcan nuestra esperanza en la victoria final del bien sobre el mal y cumplan con el cometido original: una raza de seres humanos que disfruten de gozo y paz desde ahora y lleven la imagen divina por la eternidad. Decades before many physiologists were concerned with the close relationship between diet and health; Ellen G. White in her writings clearly pointed out the connection between the food we eat and our physical and spiritual welfare. In her discourses and writings from 1863 onward; she discussed frequently the importance of diet and adequate nutrition. Her counsels; as preserved in pamphlets and books; in the journals of the denomination; and in personal testimonies; have exerted a strong influence on the dietetic habits of Seventh-day Adventists; and indirectly have left their impress upon the general public. In assembling the materials comprising Counsels on Diet and Foods; an effort was made to include the full range of instruction on the subject from Mrs. White’s pen. The resulting compilation is unique for it presents the counsels clustered topically under a general heading; with no attempt to provide a continuity in reading.