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Christian Service (Spanish)


Servicio Cristiano Dios podría haber alcanzado su objetivo de salvar a los pecadores sin nuestra ayuda; pero con el fin de que podamos desarrollar un carácter como el de Cristo; debemos participar en su obra. Para entrar en su gozo--el gozo de ver a seres redimidos por su sacrificio--debemos compartir sus labores en favor de su redención. He aquí; entonces; un "manual de servicio cristiano"; el cual capacitará e inspirará a quines desean ser constituidos en colaboradores juntamente con Dios para recrear la imagen divina en la humanidad. Una lectura fundamental para todos los seguidores del Jesús verdadero; aquel que vino para servir y no para ser servido. The Science of Soul Winning God might have chosen unfallen angels as His representatives on earth. Instead he chose us. "Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life" (The Desire of Ages; p. 195). This volume is a call to consecrated service in the science of soul winning. Invaluable to ministers; teachers; and church leaders; it will be appreciated by all who; in fellowship with Christ; seek to fulfill the gospel commission. Topics include personal preparation; training; organizing; the health and publishing ministries; and methodology. Every child of God reflects the light of the world to others. These pages explain how to polish the human mirror so that it may reveal truth more clearly; and thus attract others by its beauty.