With this NIV Once-A-Day Bible; Large Print; you can read through the Bible in a year . . . or at your own pace. Now you can practice the spiritual discipline of daily Bible reading at your own pace. Want a reading plan that will take you through the Bible in a year? You got it–with check boxes and all. Don’t want the guilt of falling behind? You can have that too?each daily reading is numbered; not dated; allowing you the flexibility you need as you strive to engage God’s Word every day. The NIV Once-A-Day Bible; Large Print organizes the clear; accessible New International Version Bible into 365 daily readings?with a large print for easy reading. Each day’s reading includes a portion of Scripture from the Old Testament; the New Testament; and a Psalm or a Proverb; followed by a short devotional thought written by the staff at the trusted ministry; Walk Thru the Bible. 9.4-point type size