Praying for deliverance "from the snare of the fowler" was one thing; but did God really expect her to forgive the "fowler"? Vivacious and beautiful; eighteen-year-old Molly Maguire lives a charmed life thanks to the generosity of her benefactors; Lord and Lady Pembrooke. But all that changes when Lord Pem-brooke's health fails and his son unexpectedly closes the manor. Given the options of remaining in Ireland to fend for themselves or signing a two-year contract as indentured servants in the Commonwealth of Virginia; Molly and her widowed mother choose to begin a new life in America. But life is unpredictably harsh in the New World. Angry over the unfair treatment she receives; Molly's resentment is sparked into a raging fire that burns fiercely inside her; threatening to destroy her from within. Even as she vows to take her revenge; Molly holds on desperately to the only connection she has to her homeland--her father's Bible. With danger lurking around every bend; Molly finds herself caught up in the espionage of the Underground Railroad; and she's forced to flee after a fellow worker reports her activities to the authorities. Tired and disillusioned; she eventually finds herself at the Serenity Inn; where she finds refuge; and along the way; discovers the ultimate revenge against her enemies. Molly's Revenge is the inspiring story of a young woman struggling to forgive those who have wronged her; while slowly learning to trust in the God of her parents.