Mini El Centinela: Del sábado al domingo – Paquetes de 100 solamente (Español) Si la Biblia no menciona el domingo como el día de reposo que Dios estableció; ¿por qué lo guarda hoy una gran parte de la cristiandad? Este pequeño folleto; ideal para compartir; le ayudará a encontrar respuestas a esta pregunta. Mini El Centinela - From Sabbath to Sunday Which day does the Bible say is God’s holy Sabbath day? Why do majority of Christians keep Sunday? This pocket sized booklet will help you find answers. Mini El Centinela delievers one truth-filled article from the full-sized; 32-page monthly El Centinela; in a convenient 8-page "zine-ette" that can be slipped in a book; purse; or pocket. Topics covered are: the Ten Commandments; secret rapture; salvation; and prophecy. Include one with your bill payments; leave in public phone booths; on buses or trains; in airports—it’s so easy to share! Order Mini El Centinela today!