Are These the End Times? The world is coming apart but Jesus predicted it! In this Signs special; Steve Wohlberg powerfully shows how Matthew 24 is fast fulfilling. He links current events with Jesus' prophecy about the end of days. This is a timely message that will interest your friends; your neighbors; and your community. Here are a few great ways to use this wonderful magazine (5 ¼” x 7 ¾”): Mail to a zip code around your community. When you mail to a complete zip code or carrier route; the cost is just US$0.72/ea; including postage and the magazine. Send a copy to all the individuals on your church interest list. Hand it out door-to-door. Place one in every food basket your church distributes during the holiday time. Place it in your Signs news box. Each magazine includes a Bible study enrollment card; plus an advertisement for Bible studies—TWO opportunities for individuals to request Bible studies!
Signs of The Times (Signs Special Issues) Small Sharing Magazine