Mini El Centinela: Antiguas Profecías Predicen el Futuro – Paquetes de 100 solamente (Español) Este pequeño folleto; de tamaño conveniente e ideal para compartir; presenta algunas de las profecías más antiguas de la Biblia. Esta lectura le ayudará a afianzar su fe. Mini El Centinela: Ancient Prophecies Predict the Future - In Packages of 100 A convenient mini sharing tract exploring the ancient prophecies of the Bible. Mini El Centinela delievers one truth-filled article from the full-sized; 32-page monthly El Centinela; in a convenient 8-page "zine-ette" that can be slipped in a book; purse; or pocket. Topics covered are: the Ten Commandments; secret rapture; salvation; and prophecy. Include one with your bill payments; leave in public phone booths; on buses or trains; in airports—it’s so easy to share! Order Mini El Centinela today!