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How I Can Live Eternally (100/pack) (Spanish)


Mini El Centinela: Cómo Puedo Vivir Eternamente – Paquetes de 100 solamente (Español) ¿Le gustaría saber si sería salvo en el eterno reino de Dios si muriera esta noche? Usted puede tener esa seguridad. Este pequeño folleto le muestra cómo. Mini El Centinela - How I Can Live Eternally Would you like to know if you would be saved in the eternal kingdom of God if you died tonight? You can have that certainty. This little booklet shows you how. Mini El Centinela delievers one truth-filled article from the full-sized; 32-page monthly El Centinela; in a convenient 8-page "zine-ette" that can be slipped in a book; purse; or pocket. Topics covered are: the Ten Commandments; secret rapture; salvation; and prophecy. Include one with your bill payments; leave in public phone booths; on buses or trains; in airports—it’s so easy to share! Order Mini El Centinela today!