By: Mark Finley
Two titanic powers in our universe have been at war for thousands of years. It’s a battle between love and selfishness; between good and evil; between Jesus and Satan—once named Lucifer; the highest of heaven’s angels. Today; as we arrive at the final conflict of the war; God has sent us—you; me; and everyone on Earth—three cosmic messages. They are Love’s final appeal to us; urging us—pleading with us; to make the most important choice we will ever make. Just as Satan the enemy never rests; doing his best 24/7 to entice us to choose his way of selfishness; Jesus; through His Spirit; constantly reaches out to us. He invites us to give Him our minds and our hearts—our thoughts and our feelings—the response of all that we are; to His limitless; overwhelming love. Calling out in loud voices; three angels of Revelation; chapter 14 announce last-day messages of warning; of hope; of love; and of what we most need to know as the final days of time on this earth are running out. Long; long ago; Lucifer the rebel angel declared that God was unjust—that He could not be trusted. Ever since; two opposing views have been demonstrated: love that leads to abundant and eternal life; and selfishness that leads to death. The good news of the three angels is that Love wins!