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American Apocalypse


The Lord has done more for the United States than for any other country upon which the sun shines. — Ellen White; Maranatha; 193 Is America superior to the rest of the world? Pastor Dwight K. Nelson says no. And it is into this tension—that America is exceptional but not superior—that this book steps. In these pages; readers will examine a troubling piece of the Apocalypse. Many scholars conclude that this apocalyptic scenario is a cryptic depiction of American exceptionalism turned tragic. Is there hope for America? Lay down the saga of this nation beside the unblinking eye of divine prophecy to find answers to these questions and more; What happened to the soul of America? America Is under divine judgment? Is the religious right wrong? What happens if America legislates Christian values? Where is America’s help and America’s hope? How can a divided nation regain the Lord’s favor? Find out in The American Apocalypse.