"The Story of Seventh-day Adventists. For many years; Tell It to the World has served as a source of stories; historical information; and inspiration to Seventh-day Adventists. This popular history of the Great Second Advent Movement has now been revised and updated; but it still focuses on the people and events that led to the development of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Like any good storybook; once you start Tell It to the World; you'll have a hard time putting it down. Author C. Mervyn Maxwell brings the tradition of the storyteller (he's a son of "Uncle Arthur"); and the precision of a trained historian; to the task of explaining how a tiny group of sincere believers could found a movement that now counts millions of members worldwide. As you read this book; you'll find yourself moved; encouraged; and inspired. Seeing how God has led in the past will renew your faith in His plans for your future and for the future of this church.