What do Charles Darwin; Sigmund Freud; and Karl Marx have in common? Give up? The answer is that these three thought-makers have influenced millions of lives through their teachings; and their philosophies continue to affect the world from their graves. Yet their personal lives were marked with depression; lack of fulfillment; and severe family problems. At the end of the day; their beliefs did not deliver them from life’s trials. The choices we make in life are shaped by our “worldview;” and there are many voices attempting to shape our worldview. Now; in a short; concise; easy-to-read booklet—The Thought Makers—Elder Mark Finley reviews competing worldviews—and compelling makes the case for one that is biblical and Christocentric. The Thought Makers examines the lives of Darwin; Freud; and Marx; comparing their philosophies to the teachings of Jesus. Within these pages you will discover that only the incomparable Christ has the power to make a lasting impact on our lives. Do you have family; friends; and neighbors who may think the ideas of the world offer a way to happiness? This inexpensive book is a perfect way to introduce them to the only true source for lifelong satisfaction.